5 Truths from Isaiah
Thus says God the Lord,
Who created the heavens and stretched them out,
Who spread forth the earth and that which comes from it,
Who gives breath to the people on it,
And spirit to those who walk on it.
Truth 1: Growing in Godliness
Isaiah Teaches:
Isaiah wrote during a time when God’s people sought empty forms of religion and rituals over a genuine, life-changing relationship with Him. Today, God’s people face that same temptation. Rituals alone do not challenge us to change, convict us of sin, or require a consistent heart investment to maintain, as does a life-giving relationship with God. Rich traditions and rituals exist within the Christian church, but need to be infused with God’s presence, motivated by love, and sustained through relationship.
Isaiah Invites:
Isaiah 58:1-5: Guard against forms of godliness that have no life. Godliness begins with a heart turned toward God, with a life seeking to be molded into the image of Christ, responding to the conviction of sin, and growing in love with the Lord.
Isaiah 58:6-14: Set aside time to fast and pray. Take the time you would normally use to eat to pray instead. Ask God to reveal sin in your life and respond to what He shows you. Ask God to show you how He wants to use you in practical expressions of godliness.
Truth 2: Cultivate Dynamic Devotion
Isaiah Teaches:
The Book of Isaiah presents a beautiful prophetic picture of Jesus the Messiah, the One who would come to save, redeem, and restore people to God. Reading these verses and seeing Jesus in all of His splendor and majesty, compassion and mercy sparks within us the God-given desire and need to worship. As we worship Jesus and begin to know Him for who He is, that spark becomes a flame of passion and devotion for Immanuel, God with us.
Isaiah Invites:
Isaiah 7:14: Recognize that Jesus is God’s sign to us. Born of a virgin, He is Immanuel, God with us (Matt. 1:23; Luke 1:27–33).
Isaiah 9:2-7: Rejoice for the great light that has come. Worship Jesus as Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.
Isaiah 11:1-10: Seek the Root of Jesse, Jesus the Messiah. Ask to be filled with the Spirit of the Lord that rested upon Jesus.
Isaiah 40:1, 11: Take comfort, knowing that God, in Christ, has come to us with forgive-ness and tender mercy.
Isaiah 53:1-12: Surrender your life to Jesus, the Righteous One. He has taken on Him-self all sin and punishment for your wrongdoing so you can be forgiven, healed, and made whole. He is able to have compassion on you and make intercession for you (Heb. 4:14–16; 7:25).
Truth 3: Pursuing Holiness
Isaiah Teaches:
The recurring theme of sin, judgment, and restoration is seen throughout the Prophets. Repeatedly
in Isaiah we see Israel turn away from God to sin; yet God continually reaches out in every conceivable way in order to bring His people back to Himself, restore them, and bless them. Like Israel, our sin separates us from our Holy God. In His mercy, God calls us to return to Him and be healed, cleansed, forgiven, and fully restored to relationship with Him. The Lord is calling you today to reason together with Him. Though your sin is like scarlet, He will make it white as snow. Let Him cleanse you completely and restore you entirely.
Isaiah Invites:
Isaiah 1:18-20: Reason with the Lord, talk to Him about your sin. He is willing and able to completely remove every trace and stain of sin.
Isaiah 6:1-8: Worship God in His holiness. Invite the conviction of the Holy Spirit, con-fess your sin before God, and receive His forgiveness and cleansing. Now ask God to use you.
Isaiah 8:19, 20: Do not visit or consult mediums, for-tune-tellers, or psychics. Go to the living God, and seek His wisdom and counsel. In God and in His Word you will find the answers and the light you seek.
Isaiah 30:15-17: Learn from Judah’s mistake. Return to the Lord, and rest in God; be still and trust in Him alone (Zech. 4:6).
Isaiah 35:8-10: Walk on God’s “Highway of Holiness.” There you will find safety, restoration, and joy.
Isaiah 59:9-20: Turn from your sin. In Jesus, our Savior, we have an Advocate with the Father, an Intercessor, and a Redeemer.
Truth 4: The Walk of faith
Isaiah Teaches:
Isaiah gives us a picture of King Hezekiah’s faith-response to the intimidation, accusations, and threats that come from the enemies of God’s people. We too face attacks and, like Hezekiah, should seek the Lord and put our faith and trust in Him. Look to Him for protection, direction, strategy, and comfort in times of attack.
Isaiah Invites:
Isaiah 36:1-10: Understand that Judah’s disobedience opened a door to attack from the Enemy. Walk in God’s ways so the Enemy has no legal right to accuse you.
Isaiah 36:13-22: Guard against the schemes of the Enemy, who slanders the character and integrity of God, His leaders, and His people.
Isaiah 37:1, 2: Learn from Hezekiah’s response to slander. He did not return evil for evil, but humbled himself and went directly to the Lord.
Isaiah 37:8-13: Recognize that the Enemy will try to intimidate you and undermine your faith in God. Do not allow yourself to believe him. Reject satanic lies.
Isaiah 37:14-23: Take your concerns to the Lord. Speak truth and worship God to align your-self, your mind, and your emotions with what God says is true and right. Place your faith in God’s ability to defend and deliver.
Truth 5: Receiving Redemptive Promises
Isaiah Teaches:
The Book of Isaiah is filled with tremendous promises of God’s desire and ability to redeem and restore His people. Even though they walked away from God and His ways, yet the Lord in His gracious mercy brought His people back to Himself and healed them. If you or a loved one has walked away from God or feel broken or needy, know that the Lord desires deeply to restore
you to relationship with Himself. Receive these verses as promises for you today, inviting you into the loving arms of Jesus.
Isaiah Invites:
Isaiah 40:27-31: Wait on the Lord. Know that nothing in your life is hidden from Him. He sees, understands, and is with you. Hope expectantly in the Lord; He will give you new strength to overcome.
Isaiah 42:1-9: Put your hope in Jesus. Ask Him to touch you at your point of need (Luke 7:21, 22).
Isaiah 43:1-5, 11: Fear not; God is with you. No matter what circumstance or trial you face, know that God is able to keep you through it. Receive Jesus as your Savior. He is able to save you eternally and in your present situation.
Isaiah 49:13-16: Allow the Lord to comfort you. Though you may feel as though God has forgotten you, have confidence that you are continuously on His mind.
Isaiah 61:1-11: Preach, heal, deliver, comfort, re-build, and serve. The ministry of Jesus described in these passages is also the ministry of His church moving in the power of the Spirit (Luke 4:17–20). Pray and ask God to use you as de-scribed in these powerful verses.