Biblical Advice on How to Navigate Modern Teen Life

Question: Can you give me some facts on how to live like a Christian and live like a person of faith? I’ve made some bad choices already and I don’t know if I can get back like I used to be.
Answer: You probably know more about how to live like a Christian than you realize, with things like being kind, respecting your parents, telling the truth, obeying God.
Sometimes when we make bad choices we continue on that path. But did you know that when you are in Christ you are a new creation? That’s what 2 Corinthians 5:17–19 tells us.
We all sin. But if we ask for forgiveness, Jesus’ sacrifice takes away our sin. Then we are made clean. And that means we can get a fresh start. We can make better choices today than we may have made yesterday. We don’t have to continue down a wrong path forever because of a past bad choice. Things may feel a little rocky when we start on the right path. It’s not always easy. But starting each day fresh and making good choices help us feel better about ourselves. And when we feel better about ourselves, we are encouraged in what we do. And then we can encourage others too.
Content adapted from the NIV Teen Study Bible. As teens navigate their hectic and sometimes stressful lives, this study Bible will help them to deepen and understand their faith while reassuring them that God is always with them and they are never alone.