Burning Bush Moments

God doesn’t always speak to us in ways we expect. It’s safe to say that Balaam never imagined hearing from God through the mouth of a donkey (see Numbers 22:28). Mary was equally as shocked to see Gabriel on her doorstep as she was to learn of the Savior she would soon be raising (see Luke 1:26–38). Jacob never thought he’d be wrestling with God from dusk till dawn (see Genesis 32:22–32). And Moses certainly didn’t expect to hear God’s voice coming from a fiery bush in the desert.
Moses and the Burning Bush
Amazed that a bush was on fire but not burning up, Moses headed over to check out the strange sight. If that wasn’t shocking enough, a voice came from the burning bush—and it was God’s voice!
Notice that God didn’t speak until Moses decided to investigate. God made the first move, but it was up to Moses to engage him further. God had something to say, but only if Moses wanted to hear.
Your Burning Bush Moments
What about you? Ever had a “burning bush” experience? God could be trying to speak to you through almost any situation—from ordinary to extraordinary. Children and spouses, for example, often have penetrating insights into God’s direction for our lives. God often speaks to us at key junctures in our lives through the voices of those close to us.
But there are times when God’s voice speaks through larger events as well. When one couple took a ten-day tour of orphanages in Russia, they didn’t expect God to speak to them through the longing eyes of two young orphans. But he did, and it was a burning bush they couldn’t ignore. They set the adoption paperwork in motion and moved their empty nest passage back a few more years.
And when one software engineer recently received a pink slip, he realized it was a burning bush moment. Although it came unexpectedly, he decided to finally answer a tug on his heart to become a pastor. With the agreement of his wife, he sold his home, moved his family to an apartment and started seminary classes.
Burning bushes show up in many forms, but they all have one critical thing in common: They’re life-changing. They rarely make life easier—just more meaningful. But like Moses, we have to be willing to stop, tune in to what God is saying and boldly follow him.
Take Aways
1. What “burning bush” experiences have you had?
2. How did these events change your life?
3. Ask God for new ears to hear him speaking to you through your family and friends and through the events of your life, whether from your perspective at the time they are good or bad.
Content adapted from the NIV Men’s Devotional Bible, which features a full year’s worth of devotions written by men, for men, along with application statements, questions for reflection, and more. Click here to learn more