He Is Not Here

Imagine for a moment…
The man you have been following, a man you believe to be God, is now in the hands of the Roman officials. At His public trial, you push through the masses of people to gain sight of your Savior. Only to find Him bruised and battered. The crowd screams, ‘Crucify Him!” Though no one can find fault in Him, the Roman governor, Oilare, caves. He sentences Jesus to die, and Roman soldiers waste no time in whisking Him away. You follow as fast as you can.
You come upon the governor’s headquarters. Pressing your ear to the walls you hear the soldiers’ insults. Peeking through a window, you see Jesus, utterly humiliated, standing in front of those He came to save. A crown of thorns sits atop His head and streams of blood pour down His face. Hit after hit, blow after blow, the Romans beat Him and shout, “Hail, king of the Jews!” (Mark 15:18)
Confusion rattles your mind. With your own eyes, you saw Jesus feed thousands with only a handful of bread and fish. You were there as He raised a dead man to life, and you watched him walk out of his tomb. You witnessed Jesus give blind men sight and lame men the ability to walk. Why is He just standing there?
Next, soldiers lead Him from the governor’s headquarters to a hillside. They hand Him on a cross. As they nail His hands and feet to the wood, His screams of pain pierce your ears and break your heart. Naked and dying, Jesus speaks His final words, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” (Mark 15:34). With that, He breathes His last breath.
Devastation overwhelms you. He was the One who was supposed to save you from death! He was the One who brought life. You are hopeless, confused, and grief-stricken. Jesus has been killed; God has died.
Yet, here we are, two thousand years later, and we know how the story ends. Nothing could keep Him in that rave, not even death!
Suddenly, hopelessness is replaced with abundant hope, confusion with clarity, and grief with joy. Christ is risen! His resurrection means the pain and humiliation He endured was for a purpose. Jesus, the Son of God came to Earth as a man so you could spend eternity with Him. He did it all to have a relationship with you. Overcoming death, He rose to life. Overcoming death, He offers you new life.
Content in this post is taken from the Love God Greatly Bible.
The Love God Greatly Bible features a visually stunning design coupled with encouraging, inspirational content from global women’s ministry, Love God Greatly. Created by women, for women, it offers insights that will encourage and equip you to meet God on the pages of Scripture and engage deeper through Scripture memory, prayer and daily reflection.
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