Holding on to Hope

For our heart is glad in him,
because we trust in his holy name.
Let your steadfast love, O Lord, be upon us,
even as we hope in you.
Your grip on hope is slipping. You feel like the rope you’ve been hanging on to since your cancer began is slowly sliding through your fingers. Your hands are burning, cramping. You’re down to the final few loose threads. You’re squeezing the life out of that fraying, lifeless rope.
Let go.
Did you hear that?
Let go!
You won’t fall into oblivion or hellish chaos.
You’ll fall where you’ve actually been all along, even while tenaciously clutching your rope.
You’ll fall into Jesus’ arms.
Into his love and protection.
Into his care for you and your future.
You do have a future, you know. It may not look exactly like the future you were envisioning. It may include more suffering and pain. It may include more years . . . or fewer.
But it’s exactly the future God planned for you from the beginning. He knows your body better than you, better than any of your doctors.
You may be mystified by what’s happening inside your body, bewildered by the decisions that need to be made, uncertain of what tomorrow will bring.
But never forget: You have hope.
Instead of a weak and raveling rope, hang on to your Creator, the source of your hope.
He’s got you and your future in his very skilled hands.
Drawn from the NIV Pink Bible: An Invitation to Hope.
What might God be calling you to let go of today? Post a comment below!