How to Bring Light Into Darkness

How to Bring Light Into Darkness

Dark Situations

“People say that I’m part of the group, but they don’t act like it. They talk about me behind my back, and I am never invited to their social functions. I think that many of my so-called friends really want me to fail. It’s really a negative situation. What can I do to create more positive and truthful relationships with people who treat me badly?”

Bring Light Into Darkness

We are all sinners Only when we allow the Lord to lead us, though, can we see the sin in our lives. It is in that very illuminating situation that we see how blind we really are. Ironically, blindness is what we need to see. It’s blindness that drives this sinful behavior that is affecting you, and the sooner others realize they are blind, the sooner they can see their need to see.

While only God can bring sight to spiritually blind eyes, He can give you the gift of a bridge that reaches to someone who desperately needs this spiritual sight. When He gives you this opportunity, run with it! It starts with having open and honest conversations about how you feel about these relationships. This could be difficult, but it is needed. Being treated badly is not a healthy or comfortable way to exist, and anyone fostering this behavior needs to know about it. This isn’t about being confrontational, but instead it’s about being conversational. Go ahead and take the lead and see who follows.

Why Do We Experience Darkness?

Know that God allows difficult and dark situations in our lives for a reason. It’s up to us to be used by the Father to illuminate goodness. Loving those who make it difficult requires more than we have within ourselves, though. Hebrews 3:12-13 warns us: “Beware, brethren, lest there be in any of you an evil heart of unbelief in departing from the living God; but exhort one another daily, while it is called “Today,” lest any of you be hardened through the deceitfulness of sin.”

Guard your heart and turn to the Lord and ask Him to love through you. Don’t shy away when a moment like this appears. Trust in the One who makes a way where there is now way. He will enable you to love without it being returned; He will enable you to love without limit and without cause.



Content in this article is taken from the Breathe Life Bible.

Christians are called to be the hands and feet of Jesus in the world. To be proclaimers of good news – agents of reconciliation with a message of hope, and faith that takes action. We need wisdom from God’s Word, power from His Spirit, hope from His gospel, and faith that He will equip us for the task.

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