How to Overcome Your Fears

Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.” Psalm 46:10
Overcoming Fears
We all harbor some kind of fear — real or imagined. For some it may be a fear of the future or fear of failure. For others it may be the fear of rejection. Some of us may even have a phobia, a fear that seems irrational to others but is overwhelming and life-altering to us.
So how do you overcome your fears? You can begin by taking the time to be still — not always an easy thing to do in our culture. But with practice and deliberation, you can make the time and cultivate a lifestyle in which you learn to draw your courage from your times of stillness, quietness and prayer.
If you have more time, read Psalm 46:1–11 on page 486, or consider one or both of these exercises.
For Additional Study
Reflect & Pray: What do you most fear? How has your fear caused you to fight or take flight rather than be still and trust God? When can you carve out some time today to “be still” before the Lord and ask him to deliver you from your fears?
Study: Turn to p. 1095 for additional verses on Your Spiritual Life. Look up and pray through some of the verses to learn more on this topic.
Word to take with you today: Stillness.
Content adapted from the NIV Busy Mom’s Bible, which features over 7,000 notes written in an engaging question and answer format that give insight into the common, uncommon, and sometimes perplexing passages from the Bible.