Is There Any Hope?

Reading the newspaper headlines on any given day can cause our hope to evaporate. Yet, in Romans 15:13, Paul prays that the “God of hope” will fill us with joy and peace so that we might “overflow with hope.” In the midst of a world filled with despair, only God can fill us with hope. In verse 4, Paul revealed two keys to hope: “Through the endurance taught in the Scriptures and the encouragement they provide we might have hope.”

First Key of Hope: Endurance

The Greek word for endurance means “to bear up under pressure” or “to be courageous.” It takes endurance and courage to keep going when circumstances tempt us to give up. But like athletes who know they will receive a prize, believers can continue the race of faith fully confident that God will keep his promises.

Second Key of Hope: Scriptural Encouragement

The Greek word for encouragement means “comfort” or “solace.” Reading God’s Word fills us with hope because it comforts our souls. We read of God’s ability to perform wonders and miracles in impossible situations and his power to turn intended evil to our good. We read of God’s ability to redeem, protect and heal us, his children. We can rest, knowing that God loves us deeply and has our very best interests in his big Abba Father’s heart.

Years ago, a caravan crossed the north of India. A missionary traveled with the group. As the caravan journeyed, a poor, old man was overcome by the heat and labor of the trip. The heartless caravan leader left him to perish alone on the road. The missionary saw him and went to comfort the dying man. She knelt beside him and whispered in his ear, “Brother, what is your hope?” With great effort, the man replied, “The blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies . . . from all sin” (see 1 John 1:7).

As the missionary held the dying man in her arms, she saw a piece of paper grasped tightly in his hands. It was a single page of the Bible containing the passage from which these words are found. The elderly man had walked a long journey, clearly enduring until the very end with only a few words of Scripture to fill his heart to overflowing with hope.

What is your hope?

Romans 15:13

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.

Reflection Questions

1. Would you describe your glass of hope as empty, half full or overflowing?

2. What situation is God asking you to endure right now? How have you found hope in the midst of it?

3. If you could only have one page of the Bible to sustain you for the rest of your life, what page would it be?

Content adapted from the NIV Women’s Devotional Bible, which features hundreds of devotions written for women, by women. It includes guided reflections to help you apply Scripture to your daily life, and it will allow you to get to know the women of the Bible through candid portrayals, helping you to see them in both their victories and struggles.


Content in this article taken from the NIV Women’s Devotional Bible

Pursue a fulfilling walk with Christ, guided by the wisdom of godly women in the NIV Women’s Devotional Bible. This group of contributors includes teachers, poets, ministry leaders, homemakers, conference speakers, missionaries, and authors. It includes wives, widows, and those who never married. It includes both those who raised children and those who remained childless. Together they offer hope, guidance, and encouragement on your journey. You’ll dig deeper into the Scriptures Monday through Friday, and on the weekends, meet the women of the Bible on a more personal level.

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