Jesus is All We Need

Humans are fundamentally needy creatures — newborns instinctively gasp for oxygen, kids hunger for afternoon snacks, high schoolers seek friends and popularity, young adults chase careers, and so on. People are needy by design — physically, socially, emotionally, and most importantly, spiritually. God is intimately acquainted with the needs of his people. As all-knowing God, he anticipates his people’s needs; as a loving Father, he tenderly provides (Mt 7:7 – 11).
Having a laugh with friends or grabbing a bite to eat cannot result in lasting satisfaction. The deepest needs are of the soul, not the body. Thankfully, this passage proclaims that these needs can be satisfied through Jesus, who is rich in glory. The more we grow in our faith in Christ, the more our needs are satisfied by the riches he offers. Paul confirmed that the God of the universe is able: The One who created humans will also be their continuing resource. God can be trusted to take care of those who believe in Christ and who follow him with their lives. His supply of mercy is endless — flowing from the glory that is in Christ Jesus, who left heaven to show love and mercy to rebels. The God whom believers trust for provision is the same God with the power to conquer sin and death. He can meet any need.
Content in this article taken from the Jesus Bible
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