What God Requires

Many of us had parents who expected standards of behavior or achievements we could never meet, which may have led to a breakdown in our relationship with them. Or perhaps we are the demanding parents who have required too much of our children. Sometimes a similar relationship breakdown occurs between God and ourselves, and we may feel that we are alienated from God because we can’t meet God’s perfect standards of holiness. We know about the sacrifice of Jesus Christ and the support of the Holy Spirit, yet because we feel inadequate, we can’t really form an intimate and constant relationship. An element of guilt or shame keeps us from God. Well, what does God expect of us? In my inaugural address as president, I quoted Micah’s overriding, transcendent standard for our lives: “To do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God” (Micah 6:8). This crystallizes the essence of our faith and makes it attainable. Are we able to do this? If we live up to these standards, we can live a life pleasing to God.
Content in this article taken from the NRSV Simple Faith Bible: Following Jesus into a Life of Peace, Compassion, and Wholeness.