What Is In Your Hand?

The Lord said to [Moses], “What is that in your hand?” —Exodus 4:2
Sometimes I feel as Moses did when God told him to go rescue the Israelites from the Egyptians. God gives me a task to do, but I feel inadequate and think, What? I can’t do that!
Just as he did with Moses, God says,
“What is that in your hand?”
Moses replied, “A staff.”
God said, “Throw it on the ground.”
Moses threw the staff on the ground, and it became a snake.
When I argue with God about my inabilities, he reminds me of the abilities he has given me. When he says, “Throw it on the ground,” I think he means, “Here, give it back to me, and let me show you what I can do with it.” Suddenly what I considered an inability takes on new life and becomes a marvelous ability.
What task is God calling you to do for which you feel inadequate? Perhaps God is saying, “What is in your hand?” In other words, “What gift have I given you that you can return to me for my glory?”
The truth is, God will not call you to do anything for which he has not equipped you. You can accept his challenge, explore the possibilities and follow his lead. Where you end up may surprise and delight you, if you’ll only give him what is in your hand. — Mary Hollingsworth
Do you believe God is calling you to something today?
Excerpted from the Fulfilled Bible